"The idea was to create a masculine counterpoint to Peau de Soie. What would a man who just wanted to be that, a man, be? I am a man proud to affirm his femininity, because it is to her that I attribute my main qualities. I wanted a perfume for men that reveals this femininity, this area of darkness where everything is mixed, without anything getting lost."
"The memory of his mother’s perfume shop immediately comes to Philippe Starck’s mind. It was here, in the cramped back room, that he spent many hours, discovering the intoxicating, unique “aroma of tedium”. “I loved to take refuge in this place; I was nowhere and at the same time I was everywhere. Because of the aromas, I traveled through an uncharted territory filled with incredible riches. I was growing up inside the most powerful vehicle for the mind and the unconscious.” The very essence of creativity."